December 30, 2010

Hello 2011; I shall know you as…

 New Years Eve really snuck up on me this year. Living the gypsy life its hard to maintain rituals. The first years that New Years held any value for me I spent camping; surrounded by good friends, nature, music and making magical memories. It organically became a time of recalibration, release and joy. But for the second consecutive year I am in living in the Canadian snow which doesn’t easily lend its self to a beach side road trip with little more than a tent, a play list, rations and besties.

I’m not into the implied failure of new years resolutions.

I leant a few years ago how well I work with a process and framework so this is my little ritual that lets me ground, focus and shoot forth into a productive year…

I think about who I want to be in a year’s time. What I want to have achieved, what I want my life to look like or not look like. “Some times its more important to know what you don’t want” – awesome wisdom from my mum

Then I think about how I need to grow to become that person. What needs to develop from knowledge to finance to feelings and more?

And then how to measure that I am growing and stying on track with it. This is where I need to get creative.
Like 2009 the year of humanity; how do I measure that I am working out-just like a muscle and there for growing my gratitude? My solution: watch one sunrise a month- not too hard as there are 30 of them but when was the last time you can say you sat quietly and soaked in the glory of a sunset, took that time for yourself 12 times a year? It was a challenge and required discipline as I am always time poor but the rewards were rich and instantly fulfilling. And anytime I need a little more gratitude in my life I make time to soak in the sunset and lock back into that. the skill building is not constrained to that year- that year is simply the lab to road test what works for me and what doesn’t on the topic.

After I have a general theme I consolidate it all down to a single focal point. I sometimes have goals that are outside this but it is from this focal point that the name of my year comes.

I started with ‘ The Year of Understanding’. For instance when someone cut me off in traffic and turned off a few streets later I took a moment to understand that they were in a rush just like me and to them pushing in for just a few blocks was ok because they knew they would be out of my way again soon. And understanding that made it ok; subsequently curing my road rage. This may not have been the whole picture but that was secondary to me growing my understanding- in this instance compassion. The more I understood the easier it was when I didn’t understand; because I understood that there was probably what seemed like a good reason even if I couldn’t see or imagine it.

The bottom line and most important factor in all of my decision making for the year is if it supports the focus of my year. The point of all this is choosing things that I need to build skills in and my favourite example of this challenge comes from the year of Happiness.

Named because I had just ended a terrible relationship with my ex and with my work place that had been causing every aspect of my life and my self to crumble. I realised that I had lost the ability to make myself happy and I didn’t want to live like that any more. I knew that it wasn’t just a matter of being happy or not; I needed to build skills in decision-making, release and self-preservation that promoted my happiness.

So heres the story…I hate being late and always beat myself up for it.  One morning I woke up and knew that I wasn’t happy at all and had a full day at work- a place only adding to the unhappiness (and with perspective a gym for me to build my strength to make myself happy). The thing is if you don’t make the decisions that are aligned with your goal but are hard to make you don’t grow.
That morning there was only one thing to do. I gave myself permission (because guilt would undermine anything I was trying to achieve) and I lay in bed studding everything on my grateful board (I’ll tell you about it later J) and every reason why I was so grateful for that until I felt happy. It took me two and a half hours- effectively I missed the first half of my workday. But the meeting survived without me, the work got done (even thought I thought it was the end f the world if I want there)  I built invaluable skills not only in happiness- it was a break though day for me- but also in my understanding of what it sometimes takes and the rewards there are reaped. I am still reaping the rewards form what I did in that 2.5 hours and think I forever will.

So that’s the how, why and result of me naming my year;
I am still working on what I will make of 2011 but I’ll let you know when I have got it… J  
Mornington Vic, Australia March 2009

Anthony's Nose, McCrae Australia- My favorite place in the world

Anthony's Nose again :)

Time lapse shows 20-hour blizzard in 40 seconds

Tue, 28 Dec 8:57 AM EST - AP 0:37 | 48386 views
A photographer in New Jersey captured the blizzard falling there by taking a single picture every five minutes starting when the snow first began to fall and ending after the last flake. (Dec

December 26, 2010

trusting in the system

This is Alex. We met for one day last season and it didn't take me long to not like him; something pretty rare for me. I didn't like him so much so that 9 months, 7 countries and countless new people later I remembered his name the moment I saw him. 

But I believe in giving people the space for them to show me parts of themselves I am yet to see. This means putting what I have decided about them to the side and seeing what they are currently showing me. Often it looks like I am a push over but its a system works for me. 

9 months, 7 countries, and a little bit of time together later and lucky me because I have got to see that Alex is awesome. And now I am stoked to be +1 awesome friend; my reward for letting the past go and believing in the good in people. A reward that is worth its weight in gold. Thanks for being Awesome Alex!

Incidentally if I was worth as much as per kilo as this piece of cheese I saw today I would be worth $2400! 

December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas(War is Over)-by John Lennon

This has been my favorite christmas song since I first heard it... wishing you and your loved ones love, peace and adventures. Merry Christmas xx

December 20, 2010

Lizzie's Status

‎"Why do you fly outside the box?" "I fly outside the box because I can." "But, we know the box. We are safe inside the box." "That, my friend, is why I leave it. For you may be safe. . .But I am free."

December 16, 2010

Sitting with my friend Nisty last night he dropped this nugget of inspiration discribing his current life to me. 

"Sleeping till I wake up. Snowboarding till I get tired. Eat when I am hungry, then anything from 3-9 is easy peezy time." :)

He lives the dream because he made it happen. It may not be forever but its never unless you do it. 

Nice one Nisty!

December 14, 2010

Global Poverty Project

If you don't live in poverty take a moment to support millions of others to have the opportunity to be as lucky as you. if you do; you will do it for yourself :)

From facebook direct to you- from my brilliant friend Hugh Evans...

The Australian Government has made two very important commitments recently. First, an increase in funding for a vaccination program that will combat child mortality, and second, a review of the effectiveness of Australia's foreign aid program. These commitments will have positive implications for the world's poorest people - so we'd like to say thank you, and keep up the good work!

Take Action! Show your commitment now to end extreme poverty and join others on a journey to change the world.

December 10, 2010

Mine for the Taking

Sometimes you see someone and it strikes you straight away that they are fantastic. Its not that they are perfect but there is some greatness that runs so deep in them it is a force in its self that draws you to them. So it was with Qudus.

My first morning in Mali, Youchaou was translating at Danse l’Afrique Danse! (Dance Africa Dance!) a contemporary dance festival. Contemporary Dance was my major at university so I can't describe how blessed I was to be there. The first discussion we attended was questioning the place of Traditional African Dance in the world of Contemporary Dance and the impact Contemporary Dance has on the evolution of Traditional African Dance.

Qudos is not a huge man, his presence isn’t aggressive but he is captivating. He spoke with a deep insight and balanced feeling, was unimposing yet strong in presence and his huge charisma was balanced with the extensive humanity he was able to communicate. I decided before he finished speaking that I wanted to know him.

I have this theory that I hold on to with both hands when I want something but usually the fear of reaching for it seems greater at the time than the possible rewards of possessing it. I remind myself:
• This may be my one and only opportunity.
• Good things come when I capitalize on my opportunities,
• I don’t know the limits of how fantastic it could be or what greatness it could lead to.
• I remind myself that if people think I am a fool I wont let it bother me because all I am do is trying to cultivate greatness for myself (and often others too.)
• And that if I swing and miss I have given it my all, received my answer and won’t be left with should-haves or regrets.

This is the same theory that propelled me to kiss Heath Ledger when I was 17 while my friend Jess ran and hid. It’s still working for me.

After the first discussion Youchaou and I had to rush off and I missed the opportunity to connect with Qudus. 2 days later I found myself back at the festival and was stoked when I recognized him in the crowd. My heart was beating out of my chest, I couldn’t think straight. I was freaking out and had no idea that I should have been feeling this way at the thought of what I was about to do.

Clearly going out of your way to introduce yourself to someone new is a scary situation. But it was a black and white. Following my heart and body would mean pulling the pin while I had time and letting the opportunity slip by. Or I could go with my head telling me that nothing too bad can come of this and so I should push ahead. Why would I not?

I scribbled my name and email address on a scrap of paper I ripped from my note book, excused myself from Youchaou asking him to wait for me for a moment and walked up to the group that was crowed around Qudus. I had no idea what his first language was as I had seen him speak English and French and this panic thought chose that moment to flash across my forehead. I was so nervous that things were already a bit blurry and I interrupted because I was far too nervous to read the social cues. Not the smoothest start.

“Hi, I’m Dallas, I saw you speak the other day, umm, on Tuesday I think at that other discussion.” Confused looks all round for a few moments before the girl that was giving me the evil eye for standing between her and Qudus told him what I was talking about. “So I just really loved what you said and I would love to know more about what you do. ” At that point I handed him my email address on the scrap of paper.  He looked very confused so I added, “ I used to dance when I lived in Australia.” His eyes went from the scrap of paper to me to his friends and back to me but his intense look of confusion didn’t ease.

We shared pleasantries and I clutched at all the composure I had left and tried to look confident as I walked away and not like I was running.

Five minutes later I blindly followed Youchaou as he walked up to Qudus and introduced him to me as a world famous dancer! It was just the 3 of us so there was nowhere to hide and I was kicking myself hard. This guy probably thought I was crazy and I was pretty sure I didn’t have enough time to change that opinion.

I often wish that people could understand me in and instant but I have never mastered the art of letting people in, to see me, in the blink of an eye. The best answer I have is to choke any insecurities I have in that moment and be my best self. It was easier said than done this time but he warmed to me; it may just have been that I was no longer just a crazy white woman all the way from Australia at a festival for African dancers but I was legitimately connected through Youchaou.

I think I came a fair way from crazy in his head though because Qudus gave me his blog (http://www.qudus.blogspot.com/)  and email address; but I am still yet to hear from him. And while I still cringe when I think about that moment standing in front of him and the group starring me up and down it’s a better feeling than regretting that I could have learnt more about what he does but inhibited myself from knowing. As it turns out what I really wanted was to learn more about what he does and I can do that through his blog- perfect :) 

December 8, 2010

racism from fear, giggles form rapport

Sure the kids point at me and shout ‘tibabo’ (white person- equivalent to the N-word) when I walk by but they also shout ‘Bonjour’ from 50 meters behind me; their friendliness is so extensive that they don’t have to be in my line of sight to acknowledge me and welcome me to the day.

It didn’t happen when I was in Mali solo but now when the group of us whities walk around the suburb there seems to be one child every kilometer who runs screaming and crying at the sight of a white person. Often their mothers will drag them over to us intent to squash their fear and have a good laugh in the process.

I feel honored that I can do the deed of quietening their fear of the new unknown. Partly because I know others wouldn’t be so genuinely kind and care so personally about these children exchanging their terror for inquisitiveness and there tears for giggles. That they develop tolerance and have a positive out come to facing a fear head on.

I think it’s the first step in opening up to become a more worldly person and in that allowing so much richness and beauty to rush in.

No matter how old, the screaming kid’s reaction to being dragged towards me was always the same intensity of terror and powerlessness to do the one things they wanted; to break free and get as far away from me as quickly as possible. While it was quite a sight I always restrained myself from taking  a photo- I knew how they felt. Their terror was the same as mine on my first meeting with Santa Clause...

This photo is clearly from the 80’s but still every time I look at it I can hear the terror in my scream…although it’s funny to me now. It was almost bizarre how in a short space of time and without a common language the kids could go from being completely terrified of me to giggling and tackling me. The human capacity for adaptation is phenomenal when lent to presence, openness and honesty. 


one of my favorite things in life...

December 7, 2010

Mali; in a Facebook album- or 3

Mali- The People 1

Mali-The People 2

Shades of Orange- Mali... country and culture 


December 2, 2010

It wouldn’t be hard to collect images that tell of a land in despair; a landscape, a people, a potential.

These scenes are common, set up, and ready to be snatched from their context, immortalized and co-modified.

I struggle to capture a portrait of a village child’s giggle. Partly because the moment is so fantastic, so transfixing I don’t want to put anything between me and the magic bubbling up in front of me. And secondly because these kids have not yet learnt to pose for the camera.

Sharing a laugh it crackles back and forth between us like a pin pong ball bouncing off the walls but the moment I hold up my camera their faces quieten into a deep question of why I would bring something lifeless to this moment? I don’t need to capture their best angle or even their entire face for them to receive the image of themselves on the screen with wonder and rapture. Is it too deep to think that just like life in the village they don’t need to be perfect; just present?