December 23, 2011

The Can Man

Bernard Lewis is The Can Man. I met him in the underground warren of the New York subway system while he was making and selling his cans a couple of weeks ago.

To most cans consumers they are disposable, discardable. There are plenty of people here in New York City who get by collecting cans and cashing them in for 5 or 10 cents. The are not subtle, they have mastered the art of pushing multiple shopping carts that are overflowing with garbage bans fully of salvaged cans, that is an art form in itself- but not a profitable one.

Bernard could have done that. On first impressions Bernard is more likely to be cashing in cans than enjoying their sweet internal goodness- his tattered cardboard home made sign and grubby appearance gave it away.

But instead of exchanging his cans for 5 cents a piece Bernard skillfully moulds them into interesting sculptures. He crafts them while spooking himself and his cans and it's hard to not see the mastery in his delicate moulding. Bernard does more than recycle, more than open a perspective for function, value, appreciation to the people that pass by him. Bernard invited himself a vocation and what I imagine is a profitable income.

I stood and watched the crowd for a few minutes and everyone I saw purchasing the cans or tipping for the videos/ photos they took was not acting out of pity, they were buying the cans because they couldn't walk away without one! They respected his work, his manner and prices. Thats how I got this one- just $3 for a real life piece of modern day subway life and innovation.

It reminds me of this awesome project: 

December 17, 2011

2011. We Made It

wow. we made it. and what a year we made. 

It's that time of year; to think forward to who you want to be when December 31 2012 is here. and what skills do you need to build or maintain to become that person?

14 days left of 2011. Thinking caps on...hearts in hand... imagination open... self belief engaged...ready...set...go! 

December 3, 2011

true story

Walking to the train the other day I heard this convosation from a mid-20's couple...

Boy: Looks at girl. Smiles. Does one skip. 

Girl: Bursts out laughing. Recovers from laughing and says; "I love that you do things to make me happy."

Boy: Smiles. Keeps walking. Thinks for a moment. Looks at girl and stops working. Then he says;
"I do things to make US happy."

Girl: Smiles and say "Perfect." 

Boy: Smiles. 

They hold hands and keep walking. 

Nice right? It made me think that its good to give something that makes someone else happy but its better to give something that creates a sustainable happiness.

I'll start... "Have a nice day :)"

November 20, 2011

I'm Skipping Here.

Walking home tonight, on the corner of 91st and Madison in the well to do neighborhood of the Upper East Side of New York City, I saw a balding middle age man skipping along the road with a 7 year old girl.

 He looked just as delighted with life as she did.
What's the lesson here? :) 

November 18, 2011

How long can you be grateful for?

For years I have admired the tradition of Thanksgiving. The idea that you take time to come together with your people and be active in your gratitude.

This year is my first American Thanksgiving and while the stores are already smothered in everything Christmas I am not distracted. I decided to make the 26 days of Thanksgiving- one day for every year of me. Not a daunting thought, I knew it would feel great to actually do something with all my gratitude. 

So everyday I choose one thing I am grateful for that. I find a corresponding photo and add the essence of my gratitude to the photo in a simply line or two of text. Then I post it on facebook and tag my friends that generate those situations in my life

I’m on day 3. It hasn't been hard; it’s been an absolute pleasure. So I was blow away today when a dear friend of mine said, "How's it going? How long are you doing it for? 26 days? I don’t know how I could find something everyday."

And all my brain could process was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" you can't write a list right now of 26 things you are grateful for? That leaves me with 2 questions;
1) What is life like for you? 
2) How did you get to be one of my best friends if you think like that? 

I think a fundamental component is perspective. It’s like you are in high-rise apartments. You look out your window and you can’t control the scene; the city layout, the weather or the time of day. But you control what you don’t see.

It’s when you know that there is something out there that you want to see but you can’t quite get the perspective on it from your window that you have the chance to learn the great expanse of potential ways of seeing something available to you.
Maybe you just need to open the curtains. Or maybe you need to go to another floor or even up to the roof for the best vantage point. We all have time where we have to call room service and ask for some help to get us to the best viewing point. These days the first step for many of us is to turn off the TV, put down our smart phones and actually LOOK out the window. And notice what we see.

Last month I saw an exhibition called “Through my Window” by Korean photographer Ahae. He spent 3 years and took 1 million photos from one window in his house. Upon seeing the diverse landscapes, season and activity captured in his photos my question was “how big was his window?” the answer: “regular, as big as yours.”

Here are my 26 days of Thanksgiving.

So there are my 26 days of Thanksgiving. At least half of the 3.5 weeks I was having a challenging time and some days I found it harder than I ever expected to find my contribution to this project for that day.  Sometimes I was boarder line resentful I had set myself this task but it always brought good things and mostly I was excited to do it. To search for those things, choose just one to represent my day and think of a photo to pair it with. 

I learnt this lesson which has already proved its value:
It's not always about having something amazing happen each day to be thankful for. Sometimes I need to reflect on something that wasn't bad and be thankful it happened; because without it my day would have been worse. 

And something I realized many moons ago:
Happiness and positivity are not the same thing; but being positive and grateful sure help lead me to happiness. 

Thanks for reading ;)

November 15, 2011

Be Thankful for something random- it will make you happier.

Despite the Christmas decorations dominating the stores Thanksgiving is in the air in NYC. Tonight a 5 year old trying to push my buttons said that he was thankful for his poo. It took me back a few years to a story I herd on a PricewatherhouseCoopers leadership development retreat. 

A young father, away from his newborn for the first time, told a story how he and his wife love changing their baby's nappy (dipper). They celebrated every poo because poo means everything is working right. The story stuck with me as I loved the way they found to take pleasure in what can be a gag worthy job. 

One of the best things I have learnt is that when I am happy I am more grateful. And that works in reverse. Being thankful makes me happier, and I think it will for you too. Happy Thanksgiving! 

October 24, 2011

Wisdom form a 5 year old

Currently my days begin at 6 am. After a walk though Central Park and Harlem by 7:30 am you can find me trying my best to wriggle clothes onto a 5 year old as I help him get off to school. 'Wrangling' is how I currently describe what I do at work but this morning we had a nice chat while he giggled and bounced his way into his clothes. Currently I refer to him as sergeant as he is going to be a police officer this halloween.

SERGEANT: Ah! (screams) What's going on?!? (he has his shirt on but one arm is not its sleeve so it's stuck by his torso as he tries to flap it)

ME: Come on. (in my calm, hypnotic, lets just keep trucking voice)

SERGEANT: My arm. It's left out.

ME: Well... you know how to fix that.

SERGEANT: Yeah. I need to put it where it belongs and then it won't be left out anymore.

I just thought this was a beautiful parallel: when you are where you belong you can not be left out.

Culture, family ties, location, your past.... none of these things determined where we belong. I don't know what does. But I have been graced to find that if you don't fit in where you are, its not that you don't fit in anywhere, just that you have to go hunting, searching, floating around being open till you find your place. Seek and you will find.

And all of that makes me think of this...

” Some people do not have to search, for they find their niche easily in life and rest there seemingly contented and resigned. At times I envy them, but usually I do not understand…and seldom do they understand me. I am one of the searchers. There are, I believe, millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we completely content. We continue to explore life, hoping to uncover its ultimate secret. We continue to explore ourselves hoping to understand. We like to walk along the beach, we are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power and unceasing motion, its mystery and unspeakable beauty. We like forests, mountains, deserts, hidden rivers and lovely cities as well. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as our laughter, to share our sadness with the ones we love is perhaps as great a joy as we know, unless it is to share our laughter. We searchers are ambitious only for life itself and for anything beautiful it can provide. Most of all, we want to love and be loved, to live in a relationship that will not impede our wanderings and prevent our search. We do not want to prove ourselves to others or compete for love. This passage is for wanderers, dreamers, and lovers who dare to ask of life, everything which is good and beautiful.”

-Found on the door of a deserted store in Colorado

I was once told  by a leader in my work place/ community/ peer group, in front of a large portion of the community that "I was so unique I will never fit in anywhere." AKA 'you don't belong and you can't change that.'  I took his word as gospel. All my experience to date wasn't debating what he said. Besides everyone always listened to his thoughts and made them their own. So if nothing else it had been decided.
Sadly he was just trying to be nice. Seeing the positive in why I was not so readily embraced and at ease in a place that was fundamentally about authentic human connection and being embraced for being exactly who you are. Well you know what. WRONG BUDDY! And I am so much happier fitting where I do than I could have been in the situation that just wasn't right.

When I feel left out these days I have to remind myself that I am not as though it is fact and I have to talk to someone, who I know cares for me, how I feel. And then I see my feelings of isolation are not the reality :)

Often you have to seek it and always you have to claim it. Wish you luck and strength to find your niche xx

When every song is the message you have been searching for

This week there was no further delaying making some changes. I had been busy long enough and I had run out of time to be distracted by other things, they were going to change whether I did something or not.

In trying to find the right decision my search wasn't for answers or advice or even inspiration this time. All I needed was wisdom. Surely there is someone out there, but  don't know anyone, who has been in my position and could give me insight from the other side- which is really what I wanted.

Every song I listened to seemed to have a message directly relating to me. Which is bizarre, cool but also tricky.

On Tuesday night I fulfilled a 14 year old life dream and saw this song performed live by its original artist.
It's an oldy but a goody. Love it or hate it there are some good thoughts...

You have so many relationships in this life
Only one or two will last
You go through all this pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast
And they're gone so fast
So hold on to the ones who really care
In the end they'll be the only ones there
When you get old and start losing your hair
Can you tell me who will still care?
Can you tell me who will still care?
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du
Plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose
You can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows
It's a secret no one knows
It's a secret no one knows
no one knows
(Repeat Chorus)
In an mmm bop they're gone.
In an mmm bop they're not there.
In an mmm bop they're gone.
In an mmm bop they're not there.
Until you lose your hair. But you don't care.
(Repeat Chorus)
Can you tell me? You say you can but you don't know.
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me if it's going to be a daisy or a rose?
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me? You say you can but you don't know.

October 17, 2011

There is inspiration under your roof

I have 3 house mates. this weekend;

one ran a marathon (in San Francisco = lots of hills!)
another got the job she wanted 
and the other moved beyond a broken heart to reconnect with an old friend.
48 hours and a lot of inspiring action.

We talk about appreciating what we have 'in our own back yard' but one better, you dont even have to get out of bed to share some commonalities. If you don't have inspiration under your own roof;
1: look harder
2: do something inspiring
3: move. 

I'm really proud of you ladies! 

October 16, 2011

New York City is a 2 part process

New York City is a two part process.

step one: get here. 

step two: act like it. do things that you can't do when your not here, start something new, sink your teeth and savor the taste. 

October 13, 2011

Do someone a favor- reach out and reconnect

What were these guys thinking? What ever it was they didn't let it get in the way.
Knowledge is important, wisdom is valuable, feeling is a must but intuition is boss. 

October 12, 2011

10 years either side.

I just watched this and thought ten years ago, when I was their age how would I have answered? And would I be happy with the way I spent my decade?

I couldn't have imagined that I could have created the life that I have lived. I would have said I wanted to be a dancer on broadway and married to my boyfriend. A life that i could have been happy living but I was never brave enough to imagine I could have the life I truly desired and so never dared dream it out loud, not even to myself.
If I had any idea that ten years later I would be where I am, with the friends and memories that I have  I never would have believed it.  Somehow I have been blessed to continually stumble upon another rung of the ladder and keep climbing.

So what about in ten years from now?
I want to not worry about money. Easy answer. But as soon as I had it  I realized that worrying about money doesn't need to be tired to how much I have; it's a choice that I can make right now to not worry about money. So that's the plan...

Where have you been and where are you going?

And on that note Bon Voyage to dear Toby who headed south today to share his beauty, passion and spark around our world. Blessed are those who cross your path and see the real you.  Really going to miss your texts mate, please take care of you.

October 10, 2011

Your parents are going to screw you up.

Your parents are going to screw you up. Their parents did it to them and there will be something in your children that you will miss read too. It happens. Because they too are human. And when, moments or years down the line they make the effort, however slight, pay them the forgiveness they have earned.

Often, at the same time you will need to graciously give them some forgiveness on credit. Or good history or a personal reference or the smell of hope. They will need this; as they have the eyes that see how everything they did came from love. Or fear or ignorance that they wish they were not bound by.

Forgiveness on credit is for them and there for is not about you.

They need the space it creates to grow and learn new ways and responses. For you, as you are today, are not what they have always known; you have grown through many versions of yourself. And you are used to being watched by their eyes (or absence of them) as you grow.

But learning how to have a new convocation with your now grown child is a new thing for your parents, probably a first. And you know what they say about the old dog with the new trick.

It can. With kind words, patience, treats and its own will. But its owner can always choose to be happy even if the dog just sits all day long. Sitting is still something to be thankful for.

*this is in no way an attack on my parents or the people who played parental rolls in my life. 

So I published this post, copied the link to my Facebook status and directly under it was this clip. Not directly related but intruding thoughts about parents needs, purpose and potential. I love these synchronises.
This is such a great reminder that people are doing rad things in the world. 
Amazing right? 

October 6, 2011

Embrace the beauty of the curvy woman but remember she is airbrushed too.

Pizza looks great in the commercials right? Have you ever heard the process that it takes to get that shot? It includes gluing on the pepperoni so it's just right and nailing the majority of the pizza to a board so the cheese stretches perfectly as 'you' grab a slice. It may not be a ripe juicy Mc Donalds tomato bouncing through a refreshing stream of clear water but it is staged and air brushed all the same. 

This following story has been blowing up on facebook today. It's fostering a sense of sisterhood and providing men a  platform to endorse diverse body types.  While it's awesome and maybe a glimpse of the direction we are heading in as we constantly redefine 'beauty' please don't assume that because she is plus size/ "real"/ not stick thin she has not been airbrushed. 

For so long 'perfect' has been sononomous with 'skinny'. But I think pushing images of airbrushed people of any size and calling them 'real' to distinguish them from skinny is no better. No more productive for evolving on any level. Healthy choices are.

Use this icon to remind yourself to take a moment and embrace yourself, not as an example of what you are susposed to look like in your 'real moments'.

None the less the story has connected with so many people for a really good reason.

A while back, at the entrance of a gym, there was a picture of a very thin and beautiful woman. The caption was "This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"

The story goes, a woman (of clothing size unknown) answered the following way: 

"Dear people, whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, seals, curious humans), they are sexually active and raise their children with great tenderness.
They entertain like crazy with dolphins and eat lots of prawns. They swim all day and travel to fantastic places like Patagonia, the Barents Sea or the coral reefs of Polynesia.
They sing incredibly well and sometimes even are on cds. They are impressive and dearly loved animals, which everyone defend and admires.

Mermaids do not exist.

But if they existed, they would line up to see a psychologist because of a problem of split personality: woman or fish?
They would have no sex life and could not bear children.
Yes, they would be lovely, but lonely and sad.
And, who wants a girl that smells like fish by his side?

Without a doubt, I'd rather be a whale.

At a time when the media tells us that only thin is beautiful, I prefer to eat ice cream with my kids, to have dinner with my husband, to eat and drink and have fun with my friends.

We women, we gain weight because we accumulate so much wisdom and knowledge that there isn't enough space in our heads, and it spreads all over our bodies.
We are not fat, we are greatly cultivated.
Every time I see my curves in the mirror, I tell myself: "How amazing am I ?! "

(The girl on the picture is French model Tara Lynn)
Last comment: I'm not putting down thin people, being a thin woman myself (BMI of 22 maybe?) just saying that being large doesn't equate to being unattractive.

some of STEVE JOBS' wisdom in a speach titled "HOW TO LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE".

When we pass away the amount of people that know we have passed is usually correlated to the amount of people that we impacted during our life time. That is not to say that the empire of our legacy wont be greater after we die (Van Gogh is a golden example) or manifest though others. Or that the collective respect and adoration from millions of people is anymore valuable that from a single person.

Almost instantly news of Steve Jobs passing was global news. Messages of love, respect and gratitude began circulating on the very creations of his vision; iPhones, iPads, iTunes. Personally I heard the news while using my beloved macbook. Even if you didn't have a Apple Mac product in sight when you heard the news the world around you would be radically different without this mans vision and creation.

Practically he provided us the tools to express ourselves and connect with each other (in pretty font). But he (and Mac) also birthed a new playing field; one so expansive there was enough room for us to all dream bigger. Mac raised the status quo and we live in a better world because of it. 

This is the commencement speech he gave at Stanford University in 2005- filmed by Ted Talks

May 5, 2011

Kieran Christopherson- the magical music man

This is a dear friend of mine Kieran Christopherson. Not only is he a talented musician he is a great person and passionate about life.
He  has a articulate and beautifully honest touch to saying what he sees and feels. His lyrics leave him nothing to hide behind and make you realize there is someone that feels how you feel and has the courage to stand and face the situation.
This is my chill out music. My go-to settling and road-tripping tracks. When I need to feel like the world is going to be ok I listen to Kiz.
His shows are always full of smiling people so you are sure to be in good company if you are lucky enough to catch him live. He plays simple yet poetic folk/ rock. The intimacy you will feel watching him perform is organic, he is a gracious and loving man and a whole hearted member of his community and the world.
Kieran is the real deal; working as a youth facilitator, helping other young people find their own voice Kieran found his. Now he writes and performs music with his friends- for the love of it and each other.
He has just put out some new songs and you can check him out at the following links:
My current favorite songs are Into the night and Lullaby for the ones that matter...

Photo given with permission by another talanted friend; Michael Norton @ Michael Norton Photography

May 2, 2011

If you can't have the ocean you should have car racing

Tonight I am in small town Iowa, America, visiting my brother and watching dirt track car racing. The track resembles the organized chaos of an African market; with people and cars crossing paths and flying in every direction.

It's lit by a handful of light towers and I wonder if it is strange to race around the track without headlights. I think it must be like little boats bobbing their way to their destination when a lighthouse is their only light source.

Growing up by the ocean its rhythm was integral to my own and these days I feel disorientated in myself when I have been away from it for a while. Despite being hours from the ocean, sitting in the stands tonight I feel closer to it than I have in months. Mostly it's the weering roar of the cars as they lap the track kicking up the dust. The sensation of their rumble  running in and through my body is undeniable and joyful. Being out in the elements, even though the focus is on something far from natural, I  feel connected to the the world around me, with the canopy of the open sky and the dust and burning red sun set.

I stepped out of the stands and down to the fence line- as close as I could get to the action. It takes me back to the ruggered Victorian coastline. Standing out on a rock that boldly juts out into Bass Straight, with my palms to the sky as though I am flying, the waves crash all around me drenching me with their spray. As they envelop me I am minuscule and insignificant and it takes all my settling in myself to not be tossed around and swept away by their rhythm and power.

At the track I instruct myself not to think about what this is doing to the environment, my to-do list and being cold. As a result I surprisingly find peace in watching cars race around a dirt track and learning about this new world, with its own unique culture that I have stumbled into. It's beautiful.

April 23, 2011


There is a bit of a theme of AWESOME being injected into my life at the moment. I have an awesome new friend, I'm spending time with my awesome uncle, 1000 awesome things blog brightens my day several times a week with a little thought on awesome in my inbox and now this...
Check it out and judge for yourself. But if you have a dream, a vision, a light bulb moment or the inkling that you need to be doing a touch more with your lovely self your going to dig this. Its not just a way to kick start what ever you have (or want to have) going on, it a great way to check out awesome things happening in your community... AWESOME!

April 21, 2011


Today I watched this awesome documentary today on 'Kaitiakitanga'. A Maori term for the guardianship and active nourishment for our natural world. It's about protecting, respecting and investing the sustainability of our natural environment and it's a concept that is being adopted as a national ethos in New Zealand- leading them towards being the first carbon neutral country- how cool is that!

It would be hard for a documentary about New Zealand to be anything but beautiful but this show had some great concepts too. I learnt about Trees For Travelers; a program where you can buy, plant and track the growth of a tree which contributes to off setting your carbon footprint as it grows. Such a fantastic idea as there are only so many easily accessible ways for us globetrotters to shrink our footprints.

I also learnt about businesses being 'Green Globe Certified'. "Eco" is a term that has been plundered by advertisers but there are more important questions to ask when you are choosing where to place your businesses and tourist dollars. For example; was your accommodation build with recycled timber? Are they energy efficient? Do they employ locals?
The Green Globe can help you find places that deserve your business.

You can learn more about the documentary at Adventures with Purpose - I really like this idea

and learn more about Kaitiakitanga by clicking here or googling it.

peace mother earth- love you xx

Portland Oregon

There is a lot of buzz around Portland Oregon at the moment and as I was going to be in the state I didn't want to miss out due to lack of trying. I could only squeeze one day out of my itenary but here is what I discovered. 

Portland. Lovely. 

Portland has neighborhoods (which I love) and makes fantasticly big shaddows in the morning sun. Walking, working, riding or driving the people smile at you-espically if you are smiling to. Even the rain was nice. Big drops that did their duty, not bothering anyone and left as soon as they were done for the sun to come back out :) 

I never expected to know the real Portland in a day but I wanted to taste its essence. Flying solo in a new town I didn't really know what to do. So I decided to see MY Portland; to do the things that I wanted to do and see what I discover. I was stoked to hear about Powell's Books - the worlds largest independent book store when I asked for advice on Portland-esq activities. I like books so surely spending time in in a shop that boasts such a title was a legitimate way to spend my only day in the city. As I wondered the rows of towering books on the various floors I realized that while I had come to Portland in search of glimpsing its essence, part of the real Portland had come to me in the people that browsed Powell's with me. 
They were cool, relaxed, stylish in a way that showed they valued creative and fine things. They were unimposing but there was an openness. 
And that's what I think of Portland. 

That night I met some brilliant people in the hostel. The last few months have been stressful for me but after just a conversation with them I felt refreshed and I think the kind of people a place attracts and holds is a good insight into its character. 

It was lovely to meet you Portland- I'll catch you sooner than later I hope. 

I stayed at the HI Portland northwest . It was clean and the bathrooms and staff were lovely. It is in a good neighborhood and only a $5 cab ride from the Amtrak and Greyhound stations or a 15 minute walk. 

There are a few street cars/ trams/ trollies that cover an extensive free zone but I saw a lot of the city on foot without feeling like I had walked too far. 

Mission Theater plays current movies for $3! It's a beautiful old building, with friendly and funky staff and has a pub attached so you can eat and drink deliciousness while you enjoy the show! Its also just a few minutes walk from the HI 

One of my favorite things about Portland is that in the NW their avenues are numerated (which is common and really helpful to know where you are and how far your next stop is) but their streets are alphabetized too!  It makes reading a map and feeling like a local instantly so much easier.  

April 16, 2011

Dear Canada, Much Appreciated :)

Dear Canada,

Thank you, it’s been lovely.

Looking back I’m surprised how little I knew about you a year and a half ago when I came to play.
I knew your flag looked like this 
and that you are part of the commonwealth.  I had heard the people were really friendly and mostly spoke English but some spoke French. I knew that even though I could drive there from The United States of America you are a completely different country.

In the time that you have been my home I have learnt that Ginger Ale is really good at making my tummy feel good when it doesn’t, that the winter Olympics are real Olympics and not just a token get-together for those far away (from Australia) countries that have snow. I have also learnt that if I cross paths with a bear I should remember this rhyme: if its brown lay down, if its black fight back. No offence, but I think I will trade fighting back with running back.

I have had some of the best times of my life here and met some of the greatest people. A lot of those people are Australian too but the Canadians that warmly welcomed me into their lives, homes and hearts have remained with me; celebrating and consoling due parts of my adventure and always pushing forward with me. I have no doubt that they are genuine life long friends- no matter the difference in our ages.

I’ll remember forever the first time I saw snow flakes the size of 5c pieces, heard the roar of an avalanche and stepped into a forest that instantly felt as good as my favourite place in the world- MY beach back home.

I was blessed by your champagne powder snow, and the striking colours of the sun as it rose over a mountain range that stood like an army of giants guarding the horizon. I have made memories worth more than gold with some friends from home- because you welcomed them too and your stunning curves facilitated our adventures nicely.  

 I didn’t tick all the boxes on my bucket list… because I look forward to coming back (and I couldn’t afford to on what you pay) but I did do some things that I never imagined: I became a skier, lived an entire winter never seeing rain, stepped outside at –17 degrees C and thought “its not that cold out here”, but I also lost feeling in my hands and feet more than once while playing in my ‘back yard’.  

I lived a life better than I had every imagined for myself and worked a fantastic job.

While I had some hard times I know no place is immune to hassle and heartbreak and I was always glad I was living and learning real life here with you; and the gems of people that you brought into my life.

Thanks for sustaining me fair Canada. You are beautiful.

Looking forward, my next adventure is about to land me in a country that I know even less about that I did Canada when I arrived.

I’m pretty sure that they don’t have Tim HortonsPoutine and wont understand when I say “oh for sure eh” but the adventure only moves forward. I left my heart on the dance floor on a little ski hill for you to remember me by :) Love Dallas. 

This is my iconic Canada photo. Taken just out side Banff on my Rockies road-trip April 2010