October 10, 2011

Your parents are going to screw you up.

Your parents are going to screw you up. Their parents did it to them and there will be something in your children that you will miss read too. It happens. Because they too are human. And when, moments or years down the line they make the effort, however slight, pay them the forgiveness they have earned.

Often, at the same time you will need to graciously give them some forgiveness on credit. Or good history or a personal reference or the smell of hope. They will need this; as they have the eyes that see how everything they did came from love. Or fear or ignorance that they wish they were not bound by.

Forgiveness on credit is for them and there for is not about you.

They need the space it creates to grow and learn new ways and responses. For you, as you are today, are not what they have always known; you have grown through many versions of yourself. And you are used to being watched by their eyes (or absence of them) as you grow.

But learning how to have a new convocation with your now grown child is a new thing for your parents, probably a first. And you know what they say about the old dog with the new trick.

It can. With kind words, patience, treats and its own will. But its owner can always choose to be happy even if the dog just sits all day long. Sitting is still something to be thankful for.

*this is in no way an attack on my parents or the people who played parental rolls in my life. 

So I published this post, copied the link to my Facebook status and directly under it was this clip. Not directly related but intruding thoughts about parents needs, purpose and potential. I love these synchronises.
This is such a great reminder that people are doing rad things in the world. 
Amazing right? 

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