April 22, 2012

How to: Tree Hug

In celebration of Earth Day here is my 7 step process to tree hugging- mainly shared with children but good for everyone.

Step 1 Choose your tree.

Step 2 Make sure as you step towards it your not crushing plants or homes under foot.

Step 3 Wrap your arms around the tree. I like to pick a spot where I can nestle my face in without the worry of spiders crawling over me so I can get good and cosy and present.

Step 4 Say 'I love you tree' and really mean it. Be Present.

Step 5 Go very quite and wait until you can feel the tree say it back (this part is really cool. I know it sounds all hippy but if you do step 4 and 5 with sincerity a pretty cool feeling comes over you) 

Step 6 Enjoy the hug, take a moment. 

Step 7 When your ready to step away take a moment and a deep breath, smile and say thank you :) 

I make it a 3 step process for kids (step 2, 4 & 5) because they naturally get the rest.
I developed it in the swanky neighborhood of  'The Grid Streets' in LA in 2008 and have been refining it since. 

Trees are pretty awesome. 

There is a tree to be hugged under all that snow and ice. Skiing break at Big White, Canada 2010.

Here are some other ideas on how to be earth loving:

Get involved with Greenpeace- they don't take money from governments or corporations, because if they did they they couldn't tell them what to do with respect, integrity and effectiveness when it really mattered. Being able to tell the decision makers when they are being self serving at the great expense to people and the planet is important. Your money really does go to the cause and a good cause it is. They need your voice, because  they Your voice combined with the thousands of others standing with you on these very important environmental issues does make change. Like making sure whales were not hunted to extinction 20 years go. Who wants to live in a world without whales? not me- they are awesome! But without Greenpreace there probably wouldn't be any left by now. 

Celebrate Earth day with your iPhone with these Earth nurturing apps

April 17, 2012

On the line

This is a beautiful example of being on the line. The pre-performance interviewing took me back to my days at Reach. Sitting in a room of teenagers, asking them to be honest, really honest, about what ever it is they need to get honest about and the only way to get their honesty is to bring your own. Really bring it. 

The challenge of that moment when you are really on the line is juicy. It is a place you can learn to love and when you do there is nothing that compares to it; the rush, the relief,  the feeling is amazing.

How often do you find yourself on the line like this? 

 Why do we find something in this to connect with and love? Because in the story of his journey this is the part where the hero enters the cave to slay the dragon, face his limiting factors and fears. Often it is being in the moment, not distracting ourselves from it with a laugh, or smart phone or running away that makes us victorious.  And we all know what reward is fitting for such bravery, honesty and depth of feeling. 

I just wish I could have heard more of the phone call at the end... 

April 11, 2012

Live Alive

Human potential. Far greater than what we see.

Find what frees you. Hold on to it. Immerse yourself. Dive right in. 
Live free. Live liberated. Live alive as best you can. 

April 10, 2012

When was the last time you...

Jules set Fifi this homework for the week. When was the last time you...

No problems there.
Mmm reminds me of happy salt covered summers on the Peninsular.
This weekend actually, and then we talked it out. 
About a year go.
February- for the second time ever- it was so strange at first.
Its been a while.
Also been a while.
Constantly. More specifically; at the breakfast table this morning.
When my mama was in town.
Its been FAR too long. November 2010, due to major flight delays I scored a room at the Vancouver Airport Fairmont for a night.
Constantly thanks to Mark. Enough said.
Snowshoe Sam's @ Big White Ski Resort. Thats the primary purpose of that picnic table. I couldn't let it go to waste. 
Mmm, again far to long. I always remember the delight of finding one wild strawberry and one wild Raspberry (while trying to find the blueberry patch) and discovering the radicle different tastes they offer in their natural state. 
Does on the way to work this morning because the train was late count? If not Central Park is calling my name today. 
My favorite thing to do with my Nana when I was 3 and the plan for this summer.
Summer 2009- Camp Betsey Cox for girls.
Summer 2010
I was 5, my mums friend didn't want it in her wedding. Looking back I don't blame her. 
Tick. Often a pleasant surprise, always good learning. 
There is one in the works.
Far too long but summer is coming- I Love picnics
It hasn't been my main activity for a while but I take a moment here and there. Actually im going to take one right now...mmm sun on the back of my neck :) 
A constant work in progress. Maybe I should relax on it a little and shoot without edit like in childhood. 
I have a hand full of memories of moments like this. 
Thats the aim.
Sorrow and disappointment are ok, they will happen with the natural flow of life, I seek peace beyond them. 

I'd love to hear your answers...

April 9, 2012

The authenticity is delicious...
Happy Monday everyone! 

"It's dogs in slow-mo catching treats. What could be better?" 

April 5, 2012

ohh the suspense- delicious in its simplest form

WOW. My attention was recaptured every second as the tension built. What will happen next?
Thanks for sharing Josh! View his Tumblr @ considr-this.tumblr.com

April 4, 2012

the reality we create for ourselves

Today in dance class I thought “I HATE THIS.” which is not a fact.

I wanted to figure out quickly what I was really feeling because hating wasn’t going to take me where I need to go. I needed all the brain space and self-belief I had to execute the movement phrase. So this is what I realized:

I know that’s not a fact. (In fact it’s a fact it’s not a fact.)
“How do I FEEL?”
I’m really nervous, insecure, uncomfortable.
Because I LOVE this and I want to be great at it (and I don’t see that I am right now.)

Turns out I was trying to grab onto anything that would shift that uncomfortable feeling and without consciously choosing it I choose something that was worse than feeling uncomfortable, something that would really bring me down. Like how they say you shouldn’t try and save a drowning person unless you’re trained to do so because they will likely panic and push you down trying to keep themselves up and you will both drown. 

Feeling uncomfortable is like sitting on the fence. You can go either way and so often we unconsciously tip ourselves a way that bring us down and propels the downwards momentum.

There is a saying: “Fear, provided we are not in mortal danger, tells us we are about to grow”

I decided many years ago that to the best of my ability I would not let my fears and insecurities hold me back. But it’s always been a blocking out/ pushing through. Today I realized it didn’t need to be that, that the root of my feeling was LOVE and to embrace that and allow the judgment to fall away paved the path to the productiveness that would allow for the grow I was chasing.

It’s really an asset if we can correctly identify our feelings and what that means for us. It is true that it shapes our perspective not the facts of the situations, but we all know reality is a matter of perspective.