October 23, 2012

Be Thankful with me.

I love the concept of Thanksgiving. The idea that you take a day or two to share time with people who are important to you and be thankful. 

Last year was the beginning of a Thanksgiving tradition for me of active gratitude. Over the 26 days that lead up to Thanksgiving, one day for each year of my life, I was thankful for something and made a picture about it. 

A simple 3 step process:
Decide what I will be grateful for today.
Create a picture about it.
Post it online.
You can see the compilation here: How Long Can You Be Thankful For? 

I thought it would be simple enough but as it turned out October and November held many hard days for me. While somedays the challenge lay in finding anything I was truly thankful for, when I made time to reflect on the experience of my day I always found something. Looking back I remember struggling though those months and it's comforting to see all the experiences that made those hard days easier/ warmer/ manageable. Many of those moments and lessons I refer to still when I am having a hard day. They are now apart of my 'have hope' bag of tricks. 

This year I will be writing and sending Thank You cards for the 27 days that lead up to Thanksgiving and posting a lesson I have taken from that person below. 

I would LOVE for you to join me in this. 
I'd love to:
-Hear about your stories.
-Hear of your experience doing it.
-Help you find a way that fits for you to explore thankfulness in action. 
-Just know there are other people out there being thankful too. 

Here are some starting ideas:
  • Make some art; a photo, collage, a card.
  • Write a list. (one thing a day or each day set a higher quoter)
  • Write a thank you letter and send it. 
  • Do something each days that results in you hearing a genuine "Thank You". Ask me for my starting list of ideas for this one. 
  • Look someone in the eye and say "Thank you" each day.
  • Spend time with someone each day who is genuinely grateful that you are there. 
  • Learn how to say "Thank You" in a different language each day. (good translate will help, or maybe you could just ask someone and make a friend?" Actually thats a great thought; how many ways do you know how to say "Thank you"?

27 days of Thanks Giving starts November 27 2012; I will be posting the lessons I have learnt, the links to see what great things these people are up to in the world and how you can have a piece of their action in the post above. 

September 25, 2012

It starts with a small step

My heart is still pounding. Its ridiculous because so far the only action I have taken is a few clicks and ticks on a web-page. Anyway, I'll start from what I guess is the beginning. 

A handful of years ago my young-and-itiching-for-any-excuse-to-explore-the-world-self decided that I wanted to 'grow in a different way' and the perfect solution for that was to do something I would NEVER do- a reliable formula I thought. I started to make a list of things I hate: 1) being cold.

I can't remember what number two was because I stopped the list there, reviewed number one and decided to go and live in the snow. Having never seen snow in my life and having no career aspirations I moved to Canada to trial a season at a ski resort.

As I made my way north and started to get cold I thought surely I would only last a month. 18 months and many great lessons in life, business and skiing later I discovered that for-filling the challenge of doing something you would never do; growing, changing and embracing your potential, while effective is not a sustainable formula for growth. 

Because now I know there is nothing that I would never do. OK, time for new formula: Do something I truly don't believe I can do. A test of the mind and sprit and other good things. 

I have long envied those running types. People who can go out for 'an easy 10'. So after some thought, which is often: throw a bunch of ideas out there and think about each of their possibilities until I quit searching for a good alternative and go back to what I always knew was the right decision- the first thing I thought of when I questioned: "what do I hate" or "what do I believe I can't do" I decided that I would run a marathon (or learn a lot about myself in the attempt). Ridiculous right? It gets better. 

I have some great role models for running a marathon, friends who are very relatable that have done this but it was actually 3 not very special events that inspired me into action* (*action so far being deciding to do it) 

Last year the NYC Marathon route was half a block from my apartment. It was great. We slept late, had brunch and when we saw on TV that the first runners were coming around the top of Central Park we went outside to watch. I decided that I would only ever run one marathon and it would lead me to explore this city that I love, New York City. (see photo of my first unofficial marathon steps from that day below) 

Buying sneakers with my awesome 80-something year old friend in January the guy in the running store told me that if you are a New York Road Runners member and complete 9 qualifying runs and volunteer at one in a calendar year then you are given entry to the following year's NYC Marathon. Perfect. Unfortunately I missed the 2012 cut off date so I wouldn't be running the marathon until 2014. No problems, more time to put my feet up :) 

That brings us to this heart pounding moment. Well last night actually.

2012 has been a horrible year. 2 key role models and my dog passed away at the beginning of the year, work has been consistently unstable and it was really true that  after four year I had stopped traveling. I felt like the things that gave me hope had been stripped away and I was struggling to cope with the pressures of a hard year. With support and encouragement from a couple of good friends I am picking myself back up and actively being healthier. Part of that is accepting each time someone suggests we go to yoga. I don't often want to go to yoga less than I did last night but I wanted to accept the offer in order to keep my momentum and avoid validating the excuse 'I don't feel like it.' In my post yoga glow (I felt much more like doing yoga after the hour long class) I spotted a t-shirt that had a Disney picture on it and said 'half marathon.' I was perplexed, those things don't go together,  so I said "Excuse me" to a group of 10 strangers and the intended recipient turned around- don't you love those moments? "Did you really run a half marathon at Disney World?" 

Our brief conversation covered:
"Yes I did."
"It was amazing."
"You should totally do it" and the thing that really got me:
"All the characters came out to wave and cheer you on."

Well that changes everything! Disney Characters acting as my public cheer squad? That sounds SO much better than a regular race! What could beat that? I want in! 

By the time I got home from the studio I had decided I wanted to do it. 12 hours later and I have plugged in my credit card details and signed up (ouch). More than just finding within myself what it takes to do such a thing I will have to find money for flights, accommodation and all the other little things that will add up. I'm pretty clueless about these things so here is hoping that 5 months is long enough for me to get in shape to run 21kms/ 13mi, I guess I'll find out. 

I have this strange feeling right now. I got it when I decided I was going to live in the Canada for a winter and I knew I didn't know what to expect. I think its the love child of excitement and knowing I don't know what I have got myself into with a twist of through this I will be on the verge of something great. Living in Canada turned out really well- so heres hoping! 

Who wants to join me? Check it out here, do it now as it will sell out. 

August 7, 2012

Know your list so you can use your list

This weekend I had a great chat (as always) with my friend Dana. Musing about life, love and future projections he shared this golden nugget when I challenged his theory that 'Everything in your life is enhanced when you are in a relationship.' Being the sea worthy solo traveler I am I instantly had a bag full of rebuttals when I asked him to please explain. 

"Well...think of it as having a permeant cheerleader. Supporting you everyday in every way. Everything in your life just gets better, it moves to the next level.' 

Point well made sir.

I know not all relationships are like this but throwing the ones that aren't aside, because if it's rubbish I don't want it, I love Dana's idea. 

Musing about the cheerleaders in my life I realized that most of them are silent members of my daily life. In my consciousness but not my regular interactions, they probably don't realize what a important role they play for me. But they are there when I need them, when I ask them.

Its been a really challenging year for me and thinking about the key people that have kept me motivated, surprising myself with a smile and have not brought me down a short list quickly springs to mind. Some did it with just a sincere and consistent text message each week and another stayed up late to live stream a funeral of someone they didn't know from the other side of the world- it comes in many different ways. Realizing that I am so aware of these people and what they give me in my life reminded me of the value of not just having them but knowing who they are and using them.

Cheerleaders in your daily life: get them. recognize them. use them.

If its not your partner: Sort it out or get rid of them. (Hint: part of the sorting it out may be the question "How can I be a better cheerleader for them?")

and if you feel like you have tired everything but are still looking maybe try this... 

July 26, 2012

Find Your Greatness

These words are true, weather you believe them or not, they apply to you. 

May 25, 2012

Love is EPIC

Now THIS inspires me!

Isaac wanted to marry Amy. The greatness is in the how he (and 60+ of their closest friends) got the wheels rolling...

I think one of the wonderful things about love is that it gives us a vessel to receive our output of love. Being loved feels nice but being allowed to love and having that feeling, energy and effort be purposeful is so life giving. Acceptance creates generation.

Every time you take a moment to be grateful for the love you receive also remember to say 'Thanks for letting me love you. For making room to receive the nice things I want to do so that you are happy, safe and fulfilled.' What ever or whom ever you are actively loving; cats, games, sports, family, friends, ideas, lovers they all count. If you can manage this with ex-lovers its healing.

Congratulations to these guys- looks like they will be living an epic life :)

April 22, 2012

How to: Tree Hug

In celebration of Earth Day here is my 7 step process to tree hugging- mainly shared with children but good for everyone.

Step 1 Choose your tree.

Step 2 Make sure as you step towards it your not crushing plants or homes under foot.

Step 3 Wrap your arms around the tree. I like to pick a spot where I can nestle my face in without the worry of spiders crawling over me so I can get good and cosy and present.

Step 4 Say 'I love you tree' and really mean it. Be Present.

Step 5 Go very quite and wait until you can feel the tree say it back (this part is really cool. I know it sounds all hippy but if you do step 4 and 5 with sincerity a pretty cool feeling comes over you) 

Step 6 Enjoy the hug, take a moment. 

Step 7 When your ready to step away take a moment and a deep breath, smile and say thank you :) 

I make it a 3 step process for kids (step 2, 4 & 5) because they naturally get the rest.
I developed it in the swanky neighborhood of  'The Grid Streets' in LA in 2008 and have been refining it since. 

Trees are pretty awesome. 

There is a tree to be hugged under all that snow and ice. Skiing break at Big White, Canada 2010.

Here are some other ideas on how to be earth loving:

Get involved with Greenpeace- they don't take money from governments or corporations, because if they did they they couldn't tell them what to do with respect, integrity and effectiveness when it really mattered. Being able to tell the decision makers when they are being self serving at the great expense to people and the planet is important. Your money really does go to the cause and a good cause it is. They need your voice, because  they Your voice combined with the thousands of others standing with you on these very important environmental issues does make change. Like making sure whales were not hunted to extinction 20 years go. Who wants to live in a world without whales? not me- they are awesome! But without Greenpreace there probably wouldn't be any left by now. 

Celebrate Earth day with your iPhone with these Earth nurturing apps

April 17, 2012

On the line

This is a beautiful example of being on the line. The pre-performance interviewing took me back to my days at Reach. Sitting in a room of teenagers, asking them to be honest, really honest, about what ever it is they need to get honest about and the only way to get their honesty is to bring your own. Really bring it. 

The challenge of that moment when you are really on the line is juicy. It is a place you can learn to love and when you do there is nothing that compares to it; the rush, the relief,  the feeling is amazing.

How often do you find yourself on the line like this? 

 Why do we find something in this to connect with and love? Because in the story of his journey this is the part where the hero enters the cave to slay the dragon, face his limiting factors and fears. Often it is being in the moment, not distracting ourselves from it with a laugh, or smart phone or running away that makes us victorious.  And we all know what reward is fitting for such bravery, honesty and depth of feeling. 

I just wish I could have heard more of the phone call at the end... 

April 11, 2012

Live Alive

Human potential. Far greater than what we see.

Find what frees you. Hold on to it. Immerse yourself. Dive right in. 
Live free. Live liberated. Live alive as best you can. 

April 10, 2012

When was the last time you...

Jules set Fifi this homework for the week. When was the last time you...

No problems there.
Mmm reminds me of happy salt covered summers on the Peninsular.
This weekend actually, and then we talked it out. 
About a year go.
February- for the second time ever- it was so strange at first.
Its been a while.
Also been a while.
Constantly. More specifically; at the breakfast table this morning.
When my mama was in town.
Its been FAR too long. November 2010, due to major flight delays I scored a room at the Vancouver Airport Fairmont for a night.
Constantly thanks to Mark. Enough said.
Snowshoe Sam's @ Big White Ski Resort. Thats the primary purpose of that picnic table. I couldn't let it go to waste. 
Mmm, again far to long. I always remember the delight of finding one wild strawberry and one wild Raspberry (while trying to find the blueberry patch) and discovering the radicle different tastes they offer in their natural state. 
Does on the way to work this morning because the train was late count? If not Central Park is calling my name today. 
My favorite thing to do with my Nana when I was 3 and the plan for this summer.
Summer 2009- Camp Betsey Cox for girls.
Summer 2010
I was 5, my mums friend didn't want it in her wedding. Looking back I don't blame her. 
Tick. Often a pleasant surprise, always good learning. 
There is one in the works.
Far too long but summer is coming- I Love picnics
It hasn't been my main activity for a while but I take a moment here and there. Actually im going to take one right now...mmm sun on the back of my neck :) 
A constant work in progress. Maybe I should relax on it a little and shoot without edit like in childhood. 
I have a hand full of memories of moments like this. 
Thats the aim.
Sorrow and disappointment are ok, they will happen with the natural flow of life, I seek peace beyond them. 

I'd love to hear your answers...

April 9, 2012

The authenticity is delicious...
Happy Monday everyone! 

"It's dogs in slow-mo catching treats. What could be better?" 

April 5, 2012

ohh the suspense- delicious in its simplest form

WOW. My attention was recaptured every second as the tension built. What will happen next?
Thanks for sharing Josh! View his Tumblr @ considr-this.tumblr.com

April 4, 2012

the reality we create for ourselves

Today in dance class I thought “I HATE THIS.” which is not a fact.

I wanted to figure out quickly what I was really feeling because hating wasn’t going to take me where I need to go. I needed all the brain space and self-belief I had to execute the movement phrase. So this is what I realized:

I know that’s not a fact. (In fact it’s a fact it’s not a fact.)
“How do I FEEL?”
I’m really nervous, insecure, uncomfortable.
Because I LOVE this and I want to be great at it (and I don’t see that I am right now.)

Turns out I was trying to grab onto anything that would shift that uncomfortable feeling and without consciously choosing it I choose something that was worse than feeling uncomfortable, something that would really bring me down. Like how they say you shouldn’t try and save a drowning person unless you’re trained to do so because they will likely panic and push you down trying to keep themselves up and you will both drown. 

Feeling uncomfortable is like sitting on the fence. You can go either way and so often we unconsciously tip ourselves a way that bring us down and propels the downwards momentum.

There is a saying: “Fear, provided we are not in mortal danger, tells us we are about to grow”

I decided many years ago that to the best of my ability I would not let my fears and insecurities hold me back. But it’s always been a blocking out/ pushing through. Today I realized it didn’t need to be that, that the root of my feeling was LOVE and to embrace that and allow the judgment to fall away paved the path to the productiveness that would allow for the grow I was chasing.

It’s really an asset if we can correctly identify our feelings and what that means for us. It is true that it shapes our perspective not the facts of the situations, but we all know reality is a matter of perspective.


March 28, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

It's nice to think that your message will travel further than intended or imagined.
Indeed it will.
Be conscious of what you are spreading.

March 8, 2012

Public empathy and action is the new celebrity group song- I am looking forward to The Simpsons episode on this...

KONY2012 exploded in the last few days, confirming more than ever we live in a global community. In quick response to the compelling 30 minute film (firstly, kudos for making a film that ran for 30 minutes but was so compelling it got people to watch it because someone or everyone told them too. It feels like 30 is shorter than it was 15 years ago) skepticism and conspiracy theory’s quickly popped up.

Was this film actually made by Joseph Kony?

Is this America’s way of legitimately invading yet another country to potentially get their hands on lucrative natural resources?

Is KONY2012 and Invisible Children the charity behind the campaign actually worthy of your money and support?

A few years ago there was a big buzz around Greg Mortenson’s book ‘Three Cups of Tea’ where he details all the wonder things he has done since starting the Central Asia Institute (CAI), an organization to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even president Obama was stoked about it and gave a portion of his Noble Peace Prize winnings to the charity. But it turns out Greg Mortenson was greedier than we had all wanted to believe and he exaggerated the extent of the charities work while using it as his personal bank account. He also profited personally from the publicity of it all and gave back very little to CAI.

This all came out in the Jon Krakauer book ‘Three Cups of Deceit’ for which Jon did not profit. It’s a good read if your interested or you can watch the 60 minutes report here.

So what of KONY2012?

Well here are some alternative views that have come across my radar today.

From VisibleChildren.Tumblr and the response from InvisibleChildren

But you know me…always with the learning. So what do we learn from this?

Well this has set a new standard for humanity I think. The breath of what we acknowledge that is removed from our reality has expanded.

Its possible to unite a wider cross section of people for a single cause than we have seen in a while. (But maybe I just think that because I am only seeing my friends and acquaintances’ actions and reactions. Honestly I don’t know what people in Egypt, Borneo or Mongolia think about this, will do about this or if they even have time in their day to divert from other priorities and pay this attention.)

People are getting creative. They are cracking open their worlds in many forms. Acknowledging their own previous ignorance people are talking, theorizing and getting educated. They are caring and thinking about their personal social commentary, they are producing it and putting it out in the world. I think it’s a great thing. It paves the way for greater understanding, evolution and connection.  Here are a few that caught my attention this morning.
via Mr Davies.

Via Mr. Damante.

 This one will make sense if you have see this. (not for the kiddies) 
Via  Miss. Greenaway

Thanks go to Mr. Gysen

I'd be delighted too mate...
came to me via Mr Yates. 

thanks to Mr. Chung

I think any unsupportive messages aimed at people who are new to activism must be coming from inactive people. Because activists don’t shut down support for the cause. There is a saying on my Grammy’s fridge that says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” So to all you newbie’s to activism; YOU count. Your involement matters. Do what you can. Explore what you believe, get educated, do what you believe is right and Welcome!

I also think that as we begin to embrace to global community we will in public empathy and collective action becomes the new celebrity group song…and honestly I’m looking forward to seeing the Simpsons episode on that :) 

March 7, 2012



When is it ever Enough? Often I feel I am waiting for a source outside of myself to tell me ‘Enough’.

I have done enough.
I have tried hard enough.
I am enough.
That I may now stop and be peaceful. Catch my breath. Be proud. Take a moment to soak it in and celebrate.
That I may move on.

But it rarely comes from outside.

Enough is gratitude to extend to yourself. I have found there is much joy in saying 'enough' to myself. In signing my name, stepping back knowing I will now just admire- I will not make any more changes. In these moments I look with fresh eyes; no longer exhaustingly critical, searching for the next improvement to make. I now look with accepting eyes, searching to understand it and discover all the greatness that stands before me. Saying enough is a practice in acceptance; and such joy comes from it.

A few weeks ago in a hot tub at a little Canadian ski resort I had an awesome movie moment that sprouted this feeling. Let me set the scene.

It’s a cool clear night and I am just finishing a good deep convocation with a friend. As Elle hops out of the tub Jeff Buckley’s 'Hallelujah' begins to play. (go on- hit play as listen to it as you read on) The lights from the village glow softly off to the far right, the snow-covered forest in front of me is illuminated by the moon. Spanning for miles in every direction it stops only at the base of a beautiful mountain range that seems to standing  guard, containing this beautiful world.  The snow-covered trees gently sway in the breeze. After a minute, in a quite moment a single car moves smoothly by on the gravel road below and my mind drifts to my best friend, currently at the other end of the world.

I wonder if this was a movie moment and we were a split screen what activity would fill his half of the screen? I soak in all details around me. A breeze blows by and gives me goose bumps as the music rises, the hot tub jets cut out in perfect synchronization with the quieting of the song, stars cover the sky above and the rest of the world is silent. I gaze across the open miles in front of me to the mountains and remember that they are not limits they are only mountains and there is a whole world beyond them I will discover.

When the song ends I ask myself ‘What more?’ What more would the director add? What more would my eye be lead to notice, deduct, conclude? What more do I need to make this moment Enough?

And I realize ‘nothing.’ I’ll never know what was happening in the other split screen but mine is enough. I realize ‘I have done my part’ Completely. And I feel peaceful.

I realize that in life this is probably the case more often than I acknowledge and it would be good if I observed these moments. Often I set myself up to avoid enough. Too many projects, goals and commitments to ever have the time to finish anything to my standard of properly and appreciate it.

In an offencive move sometimes limit the number of things on my to-do list each day. Because while I feel a little crazy if I don’t have all the things I still have to get to written down, I feel great when I have ticked all my boxes on a certain day. Some days getting out of bed in the morning is the only box I should have on my list, because that is where my limit is and for some funny reason this always makes me think of my driving instructor.

Everything I really know about driving I learnt when I was 18 from my instructor Mike. After years of being a driving instructor he had refined the art of teaching to a few key concepts, solidified down to single phrases. My favorite of all: “Drive to your own conditions.” The message was ‘don’t worry about what other people think, do or try and force you to do (this lesson came while I was doing the limit and being tailgated.) Look at the road, weather, your car and set your own conditions.

When I am in the mood to be kind to myself, or when I have no choice for I will loose my mind, I start by setting myself my conditions for today. I limit the number of things I want to achieve and if in the end I have some time left over for me to do as I please and enjoy life- win! And I do just that, making sure to not sneak more things on to the list as hard as that is initially.

So here is the challenge: Decide what Enough will be for you today, and do your best to reach that. If you don’t, well, you are closer than you were this morning. And if you do. Celebrate it. Cook your self a meal, read something you never have time to, put your feet up and don’t feel bad, go and sit in nature, sleep- these are all legitimate and self nurturing options. Most of all let yourself feel relieved.

Allow yourself to embrace that "I am enough, because I am.” This is a new big scary concept to me- I’m beginning to chip away at.

March 6, 2012

KONY 2012


Have you ever felt invisible? Do you still?
The foundation of this film is not a feel good story. 

For 26 years (that's my whole life) Joseph Kony as been abducting children and forcing them into lives as vicious child soldiers and sexual slaves. 30,00 and counting. This year we have the power to stop that, and we are doing it with KONY 2012

I could tell you some things but this is what you need to know. 

  • You need to know what it has to say (its only 30 minutes).
  • You will feel good. It's an uplifting film that will compel you into action-and then you will feel even better :)

Talk. Blog. Write to important people with wide reaching voices. Tell those important to you. Graffiti. Text. Tweet. Bother people about this. Get involved. Act. You can do this. 

To learn even more visit Kony2012.com and www.invisiblechildren.com

March 3, 2012

24 hour inspiration

Most of my inspirations are drawn from that world right around me but the last 24 hours has been like a Tidal wave of inspiration via the internet.
Here is what has been hitting me up...

I would be stoked if my future children grew up to be like this guy. I don't know him but from this clip he seems to sink his teeth into life, know his boundaries (clearly not dictated by others) and have a loving supportive family. Rock on. 

I never wanted love to be a competition... until I saw this short film.
The Love Competition

TEDtalks... always something amazing...

Choice points; an interesting thought for the world and us as individuals. I see that the world is facing  several Choice Points currently and I feel blessed to live in a time when we know we can make the changes that are required. The first that spring to mind are  Millennium Development Goals & End Polio

I love any moment that reminds me of the human-animal connection that exceeds our daily expectations. 
I like the simple comments from The Gothamist

March 2, 2012

Thomas Franklin

Thomas Franklin is a delicious example of life and my new hero. 
He seems to have not just uncaged life but also himself which is a much great challenge and victory. Incredibly inspiring even before you hear his story.

Imagine what the world would be if a story like this was in the news each day? 

Thomas reminds me of my potential to be happy, free and the positive seed in someone's day. 
Thanks for you your eternal inspiration Thomas, I think you just changed my life and I'm eternally grateful. 

January 19, 2012

Actively Be Yourself

"ACTIVELY be yourself 

When you communicate with people, tell them ACTUAL stories about 
your life 
a.) Play up the parts of yourself that are most relevant to your cause 
b.) That shows people the most important parts of what you do
c.) Find the people who care about those things, and tell them your stories

Be audaciously active in seeking out people who are passionate about
things you care about

Be yourself on a BIG SCALE

It will make you happy AND successful"

Thank you Emeli Paulo. 

January 18, 2012


I stayed up late last night knowing that I would be tired today.
Just told myself: "I'm a looser"
Stopped and changed that to: "oh Dal, you need to take care of yourself."
I have been doing these instant message changes for a while now so the positive one took.

It made me realize that despite what is going on around us we need to tell ourselves what we need to hear; we have more contact hours with ourselves than anyone else and repetition is powerful.

I would not have called anyone else a looser in the same situation- so why do I call myself that? Especially when I have learnt that bringing my self down is not productive or effective. And its not as though there was no alternative. "You need to take care of yourself" is a much better support than "Your a looser."

Back at University I was involved in a community art project where we made stickers with thoughtful and hopeful sayings and put them on coffee cups. My favorite one was "every time you look in the mirror; say something nice to yourself." Try it. It's weird at first but as with any practice it becomes natural, a good habit.

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? Do you even know or is it just such a standard mantra that it becomes background noise? Because your not saying nothing and if you don't know what your saying it means that you are not shaping it- ensuring that its paving the way that you want to go.

Next time you look in the mirror tell yourself something that you need to hear- but don't allow it to be too harsh, we all need to take care of ourselves.